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Print brief research and planning

Research and planning blog tasks Create a blogpost called 'Print brief research and planning' and complete the following tasks to plan and prepare your print work: 1) Find at least five music magazine front covers (either current or former magazines as many have stopped their print editions) aimed at a similar target audience to your project (mainstream music audience) and research music magazine key conventions. For each one, pick out one design idea, convention or image/text style that you could use in your own print work. A few examples to start you off: I chose the rolling stones because I liked the font used as well as the placement of the text especially in the Bad Bunny one. All the rolling stone covers have the title at the top which I will possibly take from it.  2) Find at least five double-page spread features from music magazines on Google images. How are they designed? How are text and images displayed? What design tricks can you borrow from your examples? 3) Find ...

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