Statement of intent 2

The whole idea for my 3 minute music video is to show the relationship between the artist and her friends and family and her life. 

As for my artist name, it will be 'Saturn'. There is no story behind the name as I just liked the planet and think it makes a good name. 

The whole idea is for the artist (me) to show the relationship between friends and family and all the memories that have been collected over the years. This way, it becomes more of a 'real' music video with real memories instead of it just being done in front of a camera. I will do this by adding videos I have on my phone. Not only does it show relationships the artist has but also what happens is her life. 

I am choosing to do the song 'Ribs' by Lorde an 'alternative pop' song or just a pop song. My music video will not have any clear narrative and will mostly be concept and performance based. It must include a footwear brand and the one I decided to include is Nike. My music video will need to be shot in multiple locations with different costumes, lighting and shots.

As for my magazine, it will be called ctrl+ALT, this name came about because the genre of the song I'm doing is 'alternative pop'  hence the name. and it will include original photography, a cover photo, the title in bold, cover lines, selling price, an interview which promotes the artists tour and music.

As the genre of my music video is pop, I will include features that pop videos usually include. I will also use CLAMPS in my music video and add all requirements needed in the brief. My three main settings is going to be a bedroom, a field and London city (preferably at night during Christmas with all the lights). 

My video may reinforce the rise of technology and the digital age which can also be called the 'TikTok' age as I will be including pre recorded clips which will look like they were shot on a phone which reflects the digital age. My video will reflect changes as said, the digital age, and my magazine will be modern and trendy.

I can include Blumler and Katz as audience pleasures specifically diversion as my music video will mainly be used for entertainment. I also talked about Todorov and added disequilibrium and new equilibrium. The disequilibrium is the artist alone by herself and the new equilibrium is the artist with all of her friends having fun. Van Zoonen says that women are usually seen as a 'spectacle' in media texts and I feel like my music video challenges this as it will not be sexualising anyone in it. 

My video will need to target mainstream music fans which I suggest would be teenagers ages 16-24 as research states.  My audiences are likely to watch my video online on platforms such as YouTube mainly which is where most music videos are promoted. The music magazine will likely have a printed and digital copy as a printed copy feels nicer to have and read rather than having it online. By having both, it gives the audience a choice on which one they would prefer to read. 


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