Postmodernism in music videos

Media Magazine Theory Drop - Postmodernism

Create a new blog post called 'Postmodernism in music video: blog tasks'. Read ‘The Theory Drop: Postmodernism’ in MM66 (p26). You'll find our Media Magazine archive here - remember you'll need your Greenford Google login to access. Answer the following questions:

1) How does the article define postmodernism in the first page of the article?

Postmodernism is a cultural movement that distrusts all established philosophies and frequently experiments with the medium it is presented in.

2) What did media theorist and Semiotician Roland Barthes suggest in his essay 'The Death of the Author'?

In his essay, he challenged tradition when he said that a writer’s opinions, intentions or interpretation of their own work are no more valid than anyone else’s.

3) What is metatextuality?

It is when a text draws attention to the fact that it is a text by pointing to the process of its own creation.

4) What is the repeated phrase on the cartoon on postmodernism on page 28?

The repeated phrase is: 'Postmodernism is a cultural movement that distrusts all established philosophies and frequently experiments with the medium it is presented in.'

5) How does postmodernism link to media representations and reality?

Music video CSPs and postmodernism

Now apply postmodern ideas to our music video CSPs by answering the following questions:

1) How does the music video for Ghost Town incorporate elements of postmodernism?

Ghost Town incorporates postmodernism by the hybrid mix of references and different music video forms which is an experimental combination or narrative, which is their journey, performance and concept. This video can be read through a postmodern approach with reference to intertextuality and hybridity. 

2) What film genres are alluded to in the music video for Ghost Town? Which scenes in particular created these links?

There is a merging of different film genres such as social realism, arthouse and the main one, hammer horror. The lighting, colour and camerawork create intertextual references to these genres. 

3) How does Old Town Road use postmodern elements in its music video?

We can see bricolage and pastiche being used because the initial release of the song attached itself to the emerging 'Yeehaw movement' that was reclaiming the cowboy aesthetic for black fashion and culture.

4) How does the Old Town Road music video reflect technological convergence and modern digital culture?

Throughout the music video, we can see common TikTok dance moves incorporated into this music video where they are seen on different social media platforms.

5) What do YOU think Lil Nas X was trying to say about reality and American culture in the music video for Old Town Road?

I think that Lil Nas X was trying to suggest how the black culture did exist. In past American culture, they used to build on white representations ignoring that black cowboys did actually exist. The whole Yeehaw agenda was created to bring back and reclaim black identity in a predominantly white genre. 


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